Cellphones setting pillows on fire

Cellphones setting pillows on fire

This safety tip could save your life.

burnt pillow

We’ve all heard rumors about some of the potential dangers of cellphone-use, and there was that craze of sticking a little bug on the side of the phone to reduce the wave omission.


We are also told not to use our cellphones at a petrol station and told that they can cause cancer after prolonged exposure.


Most of these rumors are just that – rumors, which haven’t had a chance to be studied by scientists for long-term validity – but sometimes, a cellphone-related event happens that makes us all go, “Errr......what the whaaaaat?!

Im no Einstein but surely it's common sense not to sleep with a cell phone under your pillow.


Why would you choose to sleep with a wave omitting device next to your grey matter!?


Please take note!

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