Man saves woman after being attacked at bus stop

Man saves woman after being attacked at bus stop

Man hits thug after attacking woman. 

I am 37-years-old and fortunate enough to have never witnessed a real life brawl other then on the sidelines of a Quentin Tarantino film from the safety of my couch.


I hate the thought of people inflicting pain on others I recon if I saw a real fight I wouldn't take it well.


As far as abuse against women and children that is something I can't stomach. A man that hits a woman in my opinion is the lowest form of life on an earth. It's sad though because people are not born violent attackers they are condition by life, upbringing and circumstance.


In this video you see a man punch a woman to the floor and in one fowl swoop a guy comes into shot and plants one on the attacker.


I'm not saying I agree with fighting fire with fire but something inside me did cheer when this guy was knocked over.

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