WTF: "Mommy got fired because her boss didn't want to hear me in the background"

"Mommy got fired because her boss didn't want to hear me in the background"

This story will shock you to the core. How can an employer act like this?

Child holding a poster with her mother stating why she got fired
moderncalimom - Instagram

Working from home comes with its own set of challenges, like managing child care, remote learning, making sure your household is in one piece, and still staying healthy is a lot to deal with for any person.ย 

But unfortunately for one mom in San Diego, US, she has had little to no consideration from her former employer when he fired her because her child was in the background of a zoom call.ย 

The momย explains that despite meeting all her required deadlines and working around the clock, she was let go and even offered money to keep hush about her experience.

She was definitely not happy with the dismissal and neither were her kids.ย 

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