The “unserious generational curses" that we are breaking

The “unserious generational curses" that we are breaking

Son, hold the flash light...

Kid and dad fixing something
Kid and dad fixing something / iStock

Have you ever gone through the most simply because your parents did too? It's a generational cycle. Doing something because your forefathers had to.

This is an unserious generational curse and this afternoon, Stacey and J Sbu are having hard conversations in order to break them. 

Here is the viral video that sparked this much needed discussion:

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@daddymedicandmore One small act at a time. #parenting #singledad #cyclebreaker ♬ original sound - Nathan S

Stacey and J Sbu are eager to share their very own generational curses that aren't that serious. For J Sbu, it's not buying Tupperware as his mother was a fanatic Tupperware buyer.

To find out about Stacey's, listen live at 15:00 today. LISTEN LIVER HERE

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KZN shared their own curses which include:

  • "Using the good dishes regardless of whether guests are coming over or not"
  • "No porcelain dogs in my house ever"
  • "No doileys lol"
  • "No collecting ice-cream containers"

From holding flashlights for dad to not being allowed to leave until the house is clean, the unserious generational curses of Mzansi need to come to a close. 

Stay tuned for more from Stacey and J Sbu, we will bring you the latest at East Coast Radio. 

Read More: Calm Karen applauded for not giving up her first class seat for a kid

More on East Coast Radio:

Stacey and J Sbu podcasts

Image courtesy of iStock


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