#SelfLove: How would you rate yourself?

#SelfLove: How would you rate yourself?

They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but we all know that's only true to some extent.

Stacey Norman
Nobuntu Swartbooi

For some people, it is evident that they hit the lottery when it comes to the genetic pool.

Some are luckier than others - just look at the likes of Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Angelina Jolie, and Lupita Nyong'o.

But enough of the world’s standards of beauty, let's talk about you and me.

Stacey & JSbu wanted to promote self-love on the show so they asked KZN what they rate themselves as on of a scale of 1 to 10. Based on your overall qualities. No modesty needed here…

Want to find out what Stacey & JSbu rate themselves as and what they believe is their best asset and feature?

Listen to the podcast to hear what KZN had to say: 

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