Scary! Massive alligator found on Florida golf course

Scary! Massive alligator found on Florida golf course

Imagine going for a lovely day of golf and then you run into a massive alligator just chilling on the course?! Well, that happened on Thursday morning at a golf course in Naples, Florida.

Alligator found on golf course in Florida
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When playing golf, you expect to see birds on the course. Maybe a squirrel will appear or the odd snake when you go deep into the rough.

But a massive alligator straight out of Jurassic Park?!

That's what golfers encountered at Valencia Golf Course in Florida during the week.

Can you imagine running into this thing? Look at the size of this creature! 

Now we don't want to scare you, but based on our extremely limited knowledge of science and gators, this huge gator basically is a dinosaur. It moved like one too...

Yes, we know gators are related to dinosaurs, but we want to create some dramatic effect here, people!

Whoever regularly plays golf at the Valencia Golf Course better hope and pray that this big boy doesn't come around again...

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