PICS: Timeless fashion trends we refuse to give the boot(leg)…

PICS: Timeless fashion trends we refuse to give the boot(leg)…

We LOOOOOOVE a fashion moment! 

Stacey and J Sbu
Stacey and J Sbu rocking their throwback favourite looks-East Coast Radio

If you know anything about a good outfit of the day or keeping up with the latest fashion trends you know that the best moments of the century are always being brought back. 

Today we have decided to take a look into these iconic looks with #FlashbackFriday 

Have a look at what outfit Stacey and J Sbu decided to revive:

Read more: What is the one item of clothing that your partner loves to wear that you absolutely hate?

Stacey and J Sbu flashback friday
#Flashback Friday- fashion edition / Stacey and J Sbu

We all have some regrettable outfit choices but some have that one “cool” article of clothing that you simply can't get out of your head.

If you're anything like Stacey, you absolutely adore the 90s vibes and never let go of those special pieces. 

Some of her favourite items of all time have been crocs, a big ballerina tulle skirt which she took in a million times, a lace bodysuit from a shoot and her matric jacket.

The way she holds onto these items you would swear she payed a billion rand for it.


There are so many items that hold immense sentimental value however we still hold onto these random items.

Will we ever let go or will they remain family airlooms or hoaders nest to cultivate for generations to come.

Some looks will remain timeless much like this iconic leather look below: 

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Stacey and J Sbu flashback friday
#FlasbackFriday/ Stacey and J Sbu

If you're anything like J Sbu, you're a simple guy. 

The item that J Sbu misses most is a vest. 

J Sbu used to rock various kinds such as a puffer jacket, plain or multi-patterned version.

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J Sbu cardigan vest
Stacey and J Sbu

If you are feeling the throwback vibes like Stacey some of your unforgettable items will be brought back on the usual occassion.

Yes there may be some weird looks but eventually all trends come back.

Similar to animal print, big hoops, statement sunnies and denim dungaries.

We are loving it!

Stacey and J Sbu #flashback friday
Stacey and J Sbu #flashback friday

So, What is your item of clothing that you thought was cool but is now super cringe?

Go to our socials and share yours for a chance to WIN R1 000 on Monday.

We can wait to see what flashback is brought to light...

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Image courtesy of Stacey and J Sbu 

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