Oops!... J Sbu Did It Again

Oops!... J Sbu Did It Again

In a throwback edition of the show on Thursday, one half of Stacey and J Sbu decided to make a surprising confession about his teen years. 

Britney Spears
YouTube Screengrab

Which celebrity did you have on your bedroom wall growing up?

Well, that was the burning question on Stacey and J Sbu this afternoon. For J Sbu, there was one celebrity and woman who almost took over half his bedroom walls - and that celebrity was the 'Princess of Pop', Britney Spears. 

READ: "Thank you for sticking with me and growing with me," says Britney on the 20th anniversary of her hit album

If you were lucky enough to not have to share a room while growing up, you most likely had posters all over your wall. Whether it was your favourite sports hero, sports car or celebrity, these images adorned your walls.

Unlike most of his friends, who had posters of their favourite soccer or rugby players, J Sbu opted for his teen crush. 

A young, blonde pop princess who had just hit the music scene with a bang, called Britney Spears. 

Listen as J Sbu shares with KZN the story behind his love for Brit in the podcast below 😂:

Share with Stacey and J Sbu which celebrity you had on your bedroom wall in the comments below: 

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