A mother pens an honest open letter: 'I wish I never had children, my life was better without them'
Updated | By Stacey and JSbu
There is a saying that there is no love like the love you will experience when you have children and that children add so much joy into our lives. A mother of two has voiced an honest and raw opinion in which she says is "not ever said out loud by many people" of how that belief is not necessarily true.

This UK mother of two young boys shares that she preferred her life before having children so much that she "wishes she never had them". As you can imagine this opinion and view as honest and true as it is to the mother caused a lot of negative reaction from parents in general and especially mothers who found this woman's comments incredibly selfish.
The mother who has protected her identity fought back by responding to the backlash by saying that she lover her children 'with all of my heart' and does everything to give them a happy life. The mum explained that before she and her husband decided to start having children, they had amazing careers and the pair enjoyed spending time travelling together and enjoying a busy social life.
It is when the couple started having children that things changed in their lives and not for the better.
Iam a mother of two, but I wish I was a mother of none. We had both wanted kids and we were excited about our first son's arrival but for me, when it did happen, the reality just didn't meet the expectation. I love him of course and he was an 'easy' baby in terms of sleeping and feeding and everything that makes a baby 'easy', but I just didn't love being a mum; I didn't love anything about it. It was the opposite, I was a person I never wanted to be - trapped and restricted by my own child.- Anonymous
So, why have more children?
The mom shares that her and her husband thought that things would be better with the arrival of their second trial. The mom felt like she had lost her identity and life became routine like. She says her career has stalled as she's had to go part-time and although she still has a social life, her friends have also become parents but she just wishes they could make plans without my kids.
The mum describes her children as obstacles getting in the way of how she wants to live her life. and often daydreams of what it was like before.
The mum signs off he letter with the following:
If I knew how I would feel after having kids, I never would have had them because, trust me, this is not how I want to live my life- Anonymous
Parents, what are your thoughts on this mums opinion on parenthood? do you agree with her? Share your comments below:
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