Boy defies the odds after being born with just a percentage of his brain

Boy defies the odds after being born with just a percentage of his brain

This young boy has been through the unimaginable - and is an inspiration to us all!

Boy Born Without A Brain Defies The Odds By Growing It Back
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Now this is a miracle.

After being born with just a fraction of his brain, Noah Wall's brain has 'grown back' over the years, reaching 80 percent by the time he hit three years of age. 

Noah's struggles started during his mom's pregnancy. Noah developed almost no brain matter in the womb, but not just that, he also had spina bifida, giving him very little chance of surviving.

This gave the doctors no other option but to suggest that Noah's parents, Shelley and Rob, terminate the pregnancy - not once, but five times.

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However, Noah's parents were too determined - and giving up was not an option for them. 

Clearly they made the correct choice, because their beautiful boy is now doing all the things doctors expected he wouldn't be able to, such as talk, hear, see, and smile.

Boy Born Without A Brain Defies The Odds By Growing It Back
Credit: Good Morning Britain/ITV

Even though many people believe Noah's brain has grown back, some on the other hand speculate that it could actually have just been squashed into a small space and gradually expanded after a shunt was fitted.

Noah has exceeded all expectations and it's not going to end there. Noah's parents have even been to Australia to discuss a treatment called 'neurophysics', which is a mixture of physiotherapy and cognitive exercises.

At the moment, he is a bit too young for the treatment, but doctors have assessed him, so when the day comes they are ready and good to go. 

Congratulations to Noah and his family for pushing so hard and not giving up - there is no doubt that this kid will continue to wow us in the years to come.

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