#DearDiary: My lover and our baby meet for the first time

#DearDiary: My lover and our baby meet for the first time

It has been four weeks since #DearDiary gave birth and she is now on her way to visit her lover so that he can meet their baby for the first time. 

Dear Diary

#DearDiary is still keeping the paternity of her newborn baby girl a secret from her husband, family, and friends. 

LISTEN: #DearDiary: How do I tell my husband that the baby I am carrying is not his?

In this episode, #DearDiary shares the growing guilt that she is going through as she watches her husband bond with what he believes to be his daughter. 

Listen to the podcast below as she journals details of her trip to go see her lover behind her husband's back: 

Listen to all episodes of #DearDiary below: 

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