Who's really better off, the owner or renter?

Who's really better off, the owner or renter?

East Coast Drive wants to talk about the actual value in buying a car or a house.

property / pexels
property / pexels

Listen to the discussion, or read the details under the podcast.

Buying a car and all the maintenance, insurance, petrol, and unavoidable's that come along with that purchase, for a purchase that's actually never really yours, versus using a taxi or Uber. That is a worthwhile discussion.

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As is buying a house versus renting. If you rent, you just pay your rent and no maintenance etc. Also, if you take out a bond over 20 years, essentially you're renting from the bank. 

Don't pay your bond for three months, and see what happens. Are car is just a status symbol? Do we actually calculate how much these things truly cost?

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Are you one of those people who refuses to buy a house or a car because of all the expenses and drama, or do you bite the bullet and convince yourself it's a worthwhile purchase as it elevates your reputation in society as well?

Main image courtesy of rawpixels.com

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