Under the influence: Legal expert weighs in on our rights

Under the influence: Legal expert weighs in on our rights

A South African actress was stopped by the law for allegedly being under the influence of alcohol while driving. We caught up with a legal expert to find out about our rights in this situation.

Law gavel, alcohol and car keys / iStock
Law gavel, alcohol and car keys / iStock

Listen to the chat with Shikshamanaya, a local legal expert or read the details under the podcast. 

If you were on Twitter this past weekend,you would have seen footage of actress Khanya Mkangisa doing the rounds.

The 31-year-old television presenter and actress is best known for being a YOTV presenter and for hosting the e.tv reality competition series 'Shield Teens No Sweat Dance Challenge' in 2008. 

She made social media feeds when videos surfaced of her allegedly assaulting an on-duty cop after being stopped for allegedly driving under the influence of alcohol.

Following her arrest, the team called Shikshamanaya, a local legal expert to find out more about our legal rights when we are pulled over.

Listen to the podcast to find out more.

DISCLAIMER: East Coast Radio does not endorse driving under the influence of alcohol and is using the advice of an expert to illustrate your rights in a situation where you are pulled over by the police. Please respect yourself and those around you by never drinking and driving.

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