This flexible teenager can literally bend over backwards!

This flexible teenager can literally bend over backwards!

Warning: Seeing this teen's flexibility may make you cringe!

flexible teen

According to the Daily Mail, 17-year-old Chirag Krishnakumar Panpaliya from Varsha in Maharashtra, West India can twist and bend his body in the most awkward and uncomfortable positions ever!

Read: The most flexible proposal ever goes to this yogi couple!

His poses are freaky and may make you wonder if he even has bones or whether his body is made up of pure skin and cartilage? His ability to swirl his stomach like a caterpillar is bound to make your hair stand on end.

Some people can’t even bend their fingers backward, let alone do the splits, but this teenage boy can make his shoulders clap. How freaky is this?

Read: Could this be the most flexible woman in the world?

Stretchy rubber bands have nothing on this teenager! Seeing this proves that there are some strange talents out there. Wait, is this even a talent?

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