Should Phat Joe on East Coast Drive tattoo a baby?

Should Phat Joe on East Coast Drive tattoo a baby?

We need YOUR vote!

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Earlier this week, Phat JOe announced to the team he'd like to break a World Record.

Rory, Zaba and Gareth came up with a few suggestions, but they weren't crazy enough.

So, we put it to you, the listener to suggest something for us to do.

See also: The day Phat Joe cake-faced Rory.

Thabo called in and suggested we become the first radio station ever to tattoo a baby live on air.

Phat Joe loved the idea and we planned to do just that.

It turns out you, the listener, did not like the idea at all.

So, let's put it to YOU to decide. 

Take our poll below.

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