How far have you gone to avoid someone?

How far have you gone to avoid someone?

What's the craziest thing you've had to do to avoid someone?

Boy near leaves / pexels
Boy near leaves / pexels

Listen to the discussion, or read the details under the podcast.

Bongani is ashamed to admit that he keeps missing appointments with the dental clinic downstairs from the office. Of course, to get to work he has to pass by the clinic, so it's a very awkward experience for him.

Eventually, he apologises.

Read: Local holiday destinations that will help you avoid the crowds

Who have you had to avoid and why? How did you manage to do it? 

It could be a story about avoiding an ex who works in the same area as you do, or having to hide behind a clothing rack at Woolworths to avoid your mother-in-law?

Let us know below.

Main image courtesy of Min An

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