"I almost died," admits Bongani

"I almost died," admits Bongani

Bongani and Mags share some harrowing stories this Tuesday on Drive...

near death / istock
near death / istock

Listen to the discussion, or read the details under the podcast.

Bongani once endured a near-death experience which still lives with him to this day.

After having just moved from the farms to Pietermaritzburg, Bongani and his cousin were playing and chasing each other in the street, but whilst running around, a bakkie driven by a drunk driver hit him...

Read: Would you help your partner commit a crime?

Mags also shared her near-death experience - she was once nearly decapitated by a branch whilst on holiday. Imagine... it's literally 'Final Destination' come to life!

Read: Honestly, why did you really marry your partner?

What should have killed you, but didn't? Let us know below.

Main image courtesy of sudok1

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