Would you help your partner commit a crime?

Would you help your partner commit a crime?

"Until death do us part, for better or for worse, for rich or for poor, through sickness and in health..." are you really ready for it all?

crime / pexels
crime / pexels

Listen to the discussion, or read the details under the podcast.

How seriously do your take your vows? Let's say your wife or husband comes home in a frenzy and panic after they've done something unspeakable.

Do you help your significant other cover up a mistake, a mistake that could potentially land you both in jail? Or do you give up your partner to the authorities?

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Thabile Mashaba

Read: Honestly, why did you really marry your partner?

Do the vows and promises you made to each other fly out the window when all hell breaks loose?

Will a crime come between your marriage, the bond, the finances, the kids, the family? 

Main image courtesy of kat wilcox

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