Get ready to see KZN’s most cluttered email inbox!

Get ready to see KZN’s most cluttered email inbox!

We all have those unnecessary emails that come through or messages that are just not worth reading - but how long do you wait until you actually start clearing them?

Person Holding Smartphone / Pexels
Person Holding Smartphone / Pexels

Listen to the podcast or read below:

Bongani chatted to us about something that he saw and how he got bothered by it.

READ: Mailbox madness: Do you suffer from email anxiety?

"The other day I noticed on someone in my team’s phone, there were thousands and thousands of unopened emails. It made me so anxious I couldn’t even look at it again!" Bongani confessed.

Bongani openly said he has only two unread emails on his phone. 

Bongani Mtolo
Nobuntu Swartbooi

ALSO: PICS: The most annoying work email phrases ever!

We found out that a lot of listeners actually have unread emails. One, in particular, caught our attention. A whopping 59,000 unopened emails! 

Rhoda Twigg / Facebook - @ecrdrivetime
Rhoda Twigg / Facebook - @ecrdrivetime

Watch Bongani talk about cluttered emails:

We asked our Facebook fans to share how many unread messages they have in their inbox. 

Listen to the podcast to hear what listeners had to say about email clutter. 

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