Would you try this 'Smurf' coffee?

Would you try this 'Smurf' coffee?

This must be the strangest coffee ever. Would you give it a sip?

Blue coffee

We've all seen pretty weird coffee combinations but this is by far the weirdest! Blue coffee?

Yes, it's a thing in Australia. Dubbed "smurf latte," the bright blue delicacy can be purchased at a vegan café called Matcha Mylkbar in Melbourne. The coffee gets its blue colour from something called E3 live blue algae powder. Yes, algae.

The drink also contains lemon, ginger agave and coconut milk — at this point, it's barely a coffee. So what does it taste like? The café owner Nic Davidson told Mashable "you can definitely taste the agave and the lemon. It's a quite sweet and 'soury' kind of taste ... 

but it's a difficult to explain taste — everyone thinks it's different."

Would you give it a try?

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