What job suits your personality best?

What job suits your personality best?

In case you're thinking of changing jobs or exploring other careers, you have to take this quiz!

working woman

Before you take the plunge, you might want to take this quiz to help you make this decision.

A personality quiz developed by Time.com in partnership with Workplaces and Virtual Environments Lab says it can help determine which career or job best suits your personality based on a series of questions.

The interactive will ask you twenty simple questions about what sort of activities you might enjoy doing, and then compare your answers to 1,000 job profiles to find the one that most closely matches your personality.

The questions are "designed to measure six personality traits, captured in the acronym RIASEC: Realistic (aka “doers”), Investigative (“thinkers”), Artistic (“creators”), Social (“helpers”), Enterprising (“persuaders”) and Conventional (“organizers”)",  reported Time.com

Take the quiz here.

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