#SocialMediaTuesdays: Break-ups are hard

#SocialMediaTuesdays: Break-ups are hard

A broken heart is always awful, but in the age of social media, it seems that the pain is magnified.


Not only are you able to “stalk” your ex and see how quickly they are moving on with their life, but often there are even worse consequences. Your personal heartbreak may be splashed all over social media, and even more personal details may be revealed that were only for your intimate partner. 

We have a few tips for dealing with heartbreak in the social media age:

1. Do not post details to “set the record straight” or “tell your side of the story…” - you may say something that is defamatory or injures the dignity of your ex (yes, we know this seems unfair) and you may be legally liable if they decide to take legal action. It is a very public platform and there is no excuse for airing dirty laundry online.

2. If your ex posts intimate images of you online, do not retaliate in kind: take screenshots and evidence to the police station and lay a charge of crimen injuria or get a protection order at the Magistrates Court.

3. If your ex is referring to your relationship online as though you are still together, ask him or her to take the information down. There is case law in our country where a High Court judge suggests that if you are asked to take down content, you should do so.

4. If your ex is making fun of you online or is impugning your dignity, you do have legal recourse… you can approach the police for help in serious cases and lay a charge of crimen injuria, you can approach the court for a protection order or you can sue in a civil court. 

5. You are not a law enforcement agency and you cannot take the law into your own hands and “name and shame”, post awful videos or “warn” people about how toxic your ex is… just keep it offline and vent to your closest friends in person without your phone involved.

A very extreme but effective alternative is to shut down all of your social media platforms until the storm blows over and hope your romantic taste improves in the future.

Take a listen to the podcast below where I chat to the team and give Keri some advice about her recent heart break:


Shepstone & Wylie Social Media Law Department 

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