Sky's New York bucketlist

Sky's New York bucketlist

You will not believe the crazy things we had on the bucket list for Sky to do in New York

sky in NY

Sky went to New York to accompany Tracy Samuels - winner of the Universal competition to see The Weekend live in New York City.

Of course we wouldn't let Sky go to New York without giving him a list of things to do, so we compiled a surprise bucket list for him.

1. Sky asking a New Yorker if they know what a bunny chow is and had to eat a corn dog on the streets of New York, he sent us this audio: 

Here are the tasks he completed in the 'Big Apple':

2. #PoselikeBongani

pose like bongani in NY

3. Catch a yellow cab

catching a yellow cab

4. Eat an apple in the 'Big Apple'

big apple in the big apple

5. Sky in Times Square with Melmo and the Cookie Monster

melmo & sky

6. Sky singing The Weekend's "can't feel my face" on Broadway

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