SEE: Photo of hidden cat leaves people scratching their heads

SEE: Photo of hidden cat leaves people scratching their heads

Online users have been wondering where this cat is hiding!

Testing the viewer's ability to suss out a feline's hiding spot.
Testing the viewer's ability to suss out a feline's hiding spot. Twitter / Lee Osman

A photo has surfaced on Twitter of a person's backyard that tests the internet's ability to find a cat's hiding spot. 

People have been trying to figure out from the image where the cat could possibly be?! 

Read more: West Ham's Zouma handed community service for cat cruelty

The cat is there, but it's just a matter of finding it. The picture went viral, sparking major debate.

Testing the viewer's ability to suss out a feline's hiding spot.
Testing the viewer's ability to suss out a feline's hiding spot. Twitter / Lee Osman

The owner of the cat, Lee Osman, did comment that the cat likes to hide between the wheelbarrow and the shed. Can you see it?

Read more: Study reveals how cats and dogs really feel about owners working from home

Here is a video from the Animal Humane Society's Kate Varns on how to train your cat. Kate also shares interesting information about cats, saying that a cat actually enjoys training - believe it or not. 

According to the Cat's Protection site, a feline that is free to roam is provided with more territory and an interesting environment - which stimulates them. 

Read more: 100 dead cats found in French pensioner's home

This also allows these pet animals time to express their natural behaviour, while giving them good exercise.

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Main image attribution: Twitter / Lee Osman

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