Picture of a dog with no head, is driving internet insane

Picture of a dog with no head, is driving internet insane

Ever seen a picture and thought to yourself, what is going here? We had one of these moments with this picture

dog with no head
Screenshot: Bored Panda

We were left mind boggled after we found this picture of a dog online, but it had no head. People have been trying to figure out what is going on with the little dog.

Also read: Picture of a little girl holding popcorn bag drives the internet insane

It looked as if the dogs head has been cut off, but it's still alive. People even went to the extent of drawing a faces on the picture because seeing it like that was wrong.

The picture went viral a year ago, and Imgur even drew a picture of what it will look like from the other perspective.

See the drawing perspective here:

dog confusion pic
Screenshot: Bored Panda

The owner later posted a picture of his perfect fur baby, which answered all our questions: 

dog with three legs
Screenshot: Bored Panda

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