#OfficerBae: Meet the policewoman who's left social media drooling

#OfficerBae: Meet the policewoman who's left social media drooling

Twitter has officially lost it over a local policewoman who's the definition of a girl boss that's owning her uniform.

officer bae twitter

Hold on to your seats, East Coast, there's a new cop in town, and she's 'toit', as Darren Maule would say!

A video of 'Officer Bae', as many on social media know her, was recently posted on Twitter and boy-oh-boy has social media been asking to be handcuffed by her. If we're fair, we wouldn't mind being handcuffed by her either.

The Twitterverse did not let her go that easily. 

Take a look at how they showed their appreciation for #OfficerBae:

#OfficerBae is such a beauty, wouldn't you agree? 

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