'Messengers of the sea' washed ashore spark earthquake fears

'Messengers of the sea' spark earthquake fears

Three rare fish considered 'messengers of the sea' have washed ashore in the Philippines, sparking fears of an impending earthquake.

Strange fish

Three fish have been washed ashore along the coast of the Philippines and the whole country is fearing the worst as oarfish are often seen as a sign of impending doom - and earthquakes.

The strange-looking oarfish is said to live between 200 and 1,000 meters beneath the waves. The Japanese dubbed the fish the “Messenger from the Sea God's Palace” as several were spotted before the tsunami in 2011.

An Ecology expert says: “Deep-sea fish living near the sea bottom are more sensitive to the movements of active faults than those near the surface of the sea.”

This is so bizarre!

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