Meet the world's first real-life superhero

Meet the world's first real-life superhero

Most of us had a favourite superhero growing up, but this little boy decided he wanted to be one himself, and a remarkable one at that...

The world's first superhero

A four-year-old is showing the world how to be a real-life superhero

Austin's special power is to use his allowance to buy chicken sandwiches and deliver them to homeless people in his hometown of Alabama, USA.

After every delivery, he utters the words, "Don't forget to show love". The world's first superhero puts on his little cape and runs around town, hoping to make someone's day by filling their tummy.

Watch this remarkable story here:

Wow! We think that we can learn a thing or two from 'President Austin', don't you think?

Do you have a little hero in your neighborhood or even in your home? We'd love to get to know them. Share your stories with us in the comments section below.

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