Khuluma Nathi Lessons with Sky Tshabalala

Khuluma Nathi lessons with Sky Tshabalala

If you live in KZN, you must surely know a little bit of isiZulu, it's just how we are, nje? uTisha, Sky Tshabalala, is giving Darren and Keri isiZulu lessons. Here is this week's lesson...

Khuluma Nathi with Sky Tshabalala

The first phrase of the week is: Thank you for delivering my foodlisten to the podcast or read the details below: 

isiZulu Translation: Ngiyabonga ngokungilethela ukudla kwami

The second phrase of the week is: Keep the change listen to the podcast or read the details below: 

isiZulu Translation: Ungawu’gcina ushintshi

Catch up with the previous podcasts here: 

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