Listen to East Coast Breakfast's top podcasts of 2018

Listen to East Coast Breakfast's top podcasts of 2018

KZN loves it when the Breakfast Team hits the right notes - especially when they pour out their feelings or say unintentional blunders.

listening to music with headphones pexels

The Shallcross Tragedy

KZN came together and felt the pain of the Sukraj family when they lost their nine-year-old daughter, Sadia. She was shot and killed in a botched hijacking in Shallcross earlier this year. Darren's tribute to the family left many in tears:

Listen to it here: 

Darren's Blunder

Another podcast that had many people talking was Darren's unintentional word blunder. He tried covering up his error, but just made it worse... 

Listen to it here: 

Darren never fails to bring a smile to KZN's faces, here's to many more unintentional blunders in 2019!

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