KZN airs their opinion on what they expect after voting

KZN airs their opinion on what they expect after voting

South Africans expect a lot to change after casting their vote. As a result, #AfterVotingIExpect trended on social media.

Marius van der Walt

Listen to the podcast or read the details below: 

After millions of voters took to the polls and shared their thumb selfies, they then took to Twitter to share their thoughts on the trend, #AfterVotingIExpect.

They used a subtle way to let the future party know what they expect from them.

From no more load shedding to getting rid of potholes, KZN made their opinions heard loud and clear.

Listen to the podcast to find out what their concerns are.

ALSO READ: 2019 Elections drawing to a close

Read some of the tweets here: 

What do you expect after voting? Let us know below.

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