Keri: #BlackFriday Dos and Don'ts

Keri: #BlackFriday Dos and Don'ts

"Ladies and gents #BlackFriday is  NO fashion show! You need to bend, snap, run, walk, climb, jump and possibly hurdle.... and fast" - Keri Miller

Here are the most important Do's and Don't's according to the.... um... the official Black Friday things you should believe and do... committee.... 

See: The Best Black Friday Deals

Do: Tie your hair up tight into a bun and out of your face, for quicker movement and better visibility. 

Don't: tie a bun tight into your hair. It will weigh you down and quite frankly.... why on earth would you want to "roll" with an actual bun in your hair.

Do: Wear your most comfortable sneakers.

Don't: Kick your comfort, even though your legs look slimmer in heels... you are there to find a special, not a husband. Come prepared  to run!  

Do: Eat before you shop. You know nobody shops intelligently when hungry.

Don't: Alcohol is a no-no! That is a disaster waiting to happen and you WILL make poor shopping (and maybe life) choices.

Do: Shop for your kids. This is the perfect opportunity to remember how wonderful they are and show your adoration in gifts.

Don't : Shop WITH your kids. This is the perfect reminder of how hectic they are and wish you could give THEM away as gifts. 

And finally...

Do: Keep an eye on your cash. Full shops are crawling with opportunists. Aware shoppers are safe shoppers.

Don't: Keep cash on your eye. This would make vision super uncomfortable and money is crawling with bacteria. Unobstructed eyes are happy eyes.

Go forth and get the Black Friday specials.

Good luck and ... if you follow these, (you will have) happy shopping!

Here are some awesome Black Friday Deal.

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