This guy proposed with a custom Monopoly Board

This guy proposed with a custom Monopoly Board

He took a chance, passed go, and paid the ultimate luxury tax for love.

will you marry me monopoly

Justin Lebon and his fiancé Michal Ott, are homebodies who love a good game of Monopoly.

Over the years a few cards from their Monopoly board went missing so Justin decided to create a completely new board as a gift to Michal that would celebrate their relationship.

He added the brilliant idea to actually create cards that would lead to a wedding proposal.

Friends helped Justin create this custom made board in just three weeks. 


The property names corresponded to important places and events to Justin and Michal.

The place names include the streets where they grew up, their favorite vacation spots and for the ultra-valuable Park Place and Boardwalk, their current apartment number and “Home Sweet Home,” respectively.

The property names corresponded to important places and events to Justin and Michal.

Justin planted a special proposal card on Chance, seven spots into the game. 


Michal was excited to have landed on Chance — and still didn’t suspect anything until she read the specially made card. 

From there, Justin got down on one knee and pulled out a long wire key, with which he popped open the trap door and asked Michal to be his wife!

will you marry me
she said yes

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