The Great Moscow Circus: Darren Maule the Ringmaster!

The Great Moscow Circus: Darren Maule the Ringmaster!

The Great Moscow Circus kicked off to a unique start when our very own Darren Maule who gave a show-stopping performance as the ringmaster!

Great Moscow Circus: Darren Maule the Ringmaster!

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls...introducing to you Darren Maule the ringmaster!

Read: The Great Moscow Circus is coming to Durban!!

The world-famous Great Moscow Circus is in Durban in an all-new, sensational, two-hour world premiere program, featuring a myriad incredible acts representing the best of the world’s circus stars. To make it extra special the opening night was hosted by our very own Darren Maule.

Watch the incredible ringmaster in action:

That's not all Darren Maule is great at, take a listen as he reads '50 Shades of Grey.....Street' the Durban edition!

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