#GetFact'd: The life of Madonna
Updated | By Darren, Keri and Sky
Celebrating the queen Madonna's birthday in style with some facts!

Darren Maule's Get Fact'd gives you interesting information that is both educational and informative.
And it always leaves Keri and Sky intrigued...
Read more: #GetFact'd: What came first, the chicken or the egg?
The rapper M.I.A. was sued by the NFL for $16.6-million for briefly flashing her middle finger during Madonna's 2012 halftime show. The FCC received 222 complaints, including a mother who said her children had to witness the rapper "essentially flipping off America, and flipping off my family." After news of the amount was made public, M.I.A. tweeted: "@madonna ummm .... can I borrow 16 million?"
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Madonna uploaded a fake album with all of the songs in a loop of her saying "what the fu* you think you're doing?" and in retort a hacker defaced her website with direct links to the album saying, "This is what the f* i think im doing".
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Tupac secretly dated Madonna but broke things off due to fears of his image being hurt. The only person Madonna hasn't dated is The Pope.
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Make sure you tune in Monday to Friday after 08:00 for Darren Maule's Get Fact'd. If you missed out on any facts during the week, then go listen to them all on our podcast here.

Main image attribution: Twitter/Madonna
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