Female staff required to kiss the boss every morning

Female staff required to kiss the boss every morning

This Chinese company believes this enhances corporate culture and creates unity. Do you agree?

Kiss your boss

This is the most bizarre company policy we've ever seen!

A company in China that sells home brewery machinery requires their female staff to kiss their boss every morning. The company based in Beijing says this enhances corporate culture and unites its staff.

Over half of the company's staff is female, reported Indian Express,  the women gather together from 9 A.M to 9:30 A.M every morning taking turns to seal a kiss on their boss's lips.

Only two women refused to follow the morning ritual and as a result, they lost their jobs. Most of the females that work at the company have surrendered to the company policy to keep food at their tables.

Here's a bizarre video of the morning ritual:

Do you think this practice is fair on women?

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