Elderly friends release an album for seniors - and youngsters love it!

Elderly friends release an album for seniors - and youngsters love it!

Age is nothing but a number - you are never too old or young to make changes in the world. Or even release an album...

marvin and alan
Screenshot: Bored Panda

Alan R. Tripp, 102, and Marvin Weisbord, 88, released their first-ever music album, called ‘Senior Song Book’, recently - and we are here for this type of motivation. Their album consists of eight songs and two remixes. The friends live in the same Pennsylvania retirement community and have been writing songs together for the past two years. 

“Music that you would’ve loved if you were alive back in 1940 and you can still love today,” say the golden oldies. The music tells stories of both gentlemen's lives which youngsters can easily tune into.

Even though there is a 14-year age gap between the best friends, together they feel as if they are youngsters who are full of jokes and keep each other young at heart. 

Also read: Anti-apartheid activist Ben Turok dies aged 92

Watch the adorable video here: 

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