Darren's Tip Jar helps out Benjamin and Johan

Darren's Tip Jar helps out Benjamin and Johan

A videographer and a wildlife guide both get to feel a little better this morning...

Johan Pretorius
Johan Pretorius

Passionate people are the most deserving of the fruits of their labour, especially because their work comes from a place of love. And love is such a beautiful and honest feeling. Benjamin Van Vreeden is a man who has a passion for wildlife but has been in an unfortunate situation for a while. 

His friend, Barbara Crisp, nominated the nature guide who has not earned an income in the last two years. He has worked for two companies - both far from his hometown in Pietermaritzburg - without pay from any of them. He has hopes to obtain a Public Drivers Permit that should allow him to advance in the wildlife and conservation industry. 

With his kind of passion and resilience, we had to pick him out for something from Darren's Tip Jar. 

Take a listen to how he reacted to our call: 

Another person who was able to start their morning on a light note thanks to Darren's Tip Jar and Lottoland.co.za, is Johan Pretorius. 

He is a videographer who has worked The Royal Show, Comrades Marathon, Parliamentary opening, local concerts, and outdoor events.

Pamela Pretorius nominated him because since March 2020, all these types of events have been cancelled and he has had to survive on very limited avenues of income. 

He is a father of four and his wife only works part time, as well homeschooling three of their children. Lockdown restrictions for this industry seem never ending and it is surely difficult for him and his family. 

He shares more of his challenges here: 

With Darren's Tip Jar, it is evident every day that it is important to support local businesses and artists. 

A huge applause for Darren celebrating his Decade with this initiative partnered by Lottoland.co.za

Main Image Courtesy: Johan Pretorius

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