Couple nails 'Dirty Dancing' routine as their first dance

Couple nails 'Dirty Dancing' routine as their first dance

It is common place for a couple's first dance to be slow and something quite sentimental, but others like it to be memorable and exciting, much like this couple.

couple dancing to dirt dancing
Screenshot: Facebook

This couple stunned their guests when the music started playing. Those in attendance were about to be treated to a routine straight out of 'Dirty Dancing'. The couple even dressed like 'Baby and Johnny' to complete the look.

The popular dance was executed superbly. From the turns and jumps, the choreography on the dance had guests on their feet and cheering the couple on.

It's not clear if they are professional dancers, but they certainly look like they could be.

However, one question remains - did they nail the lift?

Watch to find out:

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