At last! UKZN professor's research helps discover the cause of hair loss

At last! UKZN professor's research helps discover the cause of hair loss

UKZN's Professor Ncoza Dlova has discovered a new gene that is a major cause of permanent hair loss among women of African descent. She chatted with Carol Ofori about the breakthrough.

Both pics are of the same patient over a period of time
Both pics are of the same patient over a period of time / Supplied

Listen to Carol's interview with Professor Ncoza Dlova, or read the details under the podcast. 

Professor Ncoza Dlova, Dean of UKZN’s School of Clinical Medicine and an internationally-renowned dermatologist, spoke to Carol Ofori about her recent historic medical discovery relating to hair loss among African women. 

Dlova is the first African Dermatologist in KwaZulu-Natal and the 2nd African female dermatologist in South Africa, and has since trained and mentored about 30 dermatologists, 80% of which are women. 

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She is a Professor, Chief Specialist, and Head of Dermatology at the Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine, University of KwaZulu Natal (UKZN), where she trained for both her undergraduate and postgraduate studies and was awarded her PhD in 2015.

According to a Press Release, Prof Dlova said this finding is a major breakthrough and had made history. 

"This is probably the biggest breakthrough in South African Dermatology. This discovery is a first in the world, and it followed links to my earlier publication of 2013, in which I reported for the first time a familial association in a cluster of black South African families with Central Centrifugal Cicatricial Alopecia (CCCA) and have been following the 15 families for 5 years, and 7 years later a gene has been identified. This has huge implications on early diagnosis, prevention and possible future targeted therapy of CCCA," she said. 

ALSO: 5 steps to healthy hair this Summer

Listen to the podcast to find out more. 

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