Are you able to figure out this very simple maths problem?

Are you able to figure out this very simple maths problem?

We often take simple maths for granted, but this one will definitely mess with your mind!

Maths Problem

Mathematics - a word hated by many, dreaded by most, and liked by a select few. 

However, it is the simplest of sums that leave the wisest of minds confused. 

Check out the maths problem below and try to figure out the answer in under a minute:

"Everything looks fine in this picture. I don't exactly know what I am supposed to be looking for," says Darren.

Keri adds: "Someone, anyone please help. I can't see what's wrong here."

"Okay, it's either I need to get my eyes checked or go back to school. Either way, I can't figure this one out," says Sky. 

Let's see if you're able to help the Breakfast Team. Are you able to find out what's wrong with this post? Hint: The answer is staring you in the face...

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