A puppet on strings wows crowd with extraordinary performance

A puppet on strings wows crowd with extraordinary performance

A puppet on strings came to life when he played a Spanish song on his guitar and left the crowd mesmerised by his performance. 

puppet playing guitar
Screenshot: Twitter

When a puppet on strings is mentioned, Pinocchio certainly comes to mind. However, one unique puppet has left social media users in awe, giving a stellar performance on stage which got the crowd cheering along for him.

With its human-like behaviour, the puppet certainly keeps the crowd entertained. It even does a little act where he picks his nose and tries hiding it.

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With his guitar in hand, he attempts to play, and after a few unsuccessful tries, he finally nails it. The crowd did not expect what happened next.

With over 900,000 views on Twitter, it certainly is a must-watch. 

Check it out below:

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