Why you shouldn't use cotton buds for waxing

Why you shouldn't use cotton buds for waxing

Believe us, you will understand when you watch what happened to this woman. 

A woman with q-tips and wax in her nose
A woman with q-tips and wax in her nose/TikTok Screenshot/@itsurgirlabbs

We are all for personal grooming, in fact, it is something of a requirement when you are a lady. 

It's the way we grew up and it goes hand in hand with personal hygiene.

But sometimes doing it yourself isn't the best way to do it. This woman's video account of waxing her nose hairs was a perfect example of that. 

WATCH the video below, courtesy of TikTok:

@itsurgirlabbs Lesson learned don’t use cotton tip q-tips to wax your nostrils #beauty #waxingvideos #nosejobcheck #nosebodysbusiness #ReadySetLift #girls ♬ original sound - abbie

She gets brownie points for being such a good sport about it all. Her cool vibe was backed up when she posted a follow-up video explaining what happened after...

Safe to say that it is never a good idea to use cotton buds when waxing. 

WATCH the video below, courtesy of TikTok:

@itsurgirlabbs Replying to @shelli3062 ♬ original sound - abbie

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Image Courtesy of TikTok

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