WATCH: Woman gives birth during a night out, didn't know she was 38-weeks pregnant

WATCH: Woman gives birth during a night out, didn't know she was 38-weeks pregnant

We have not heard many stranger stories in our time in the business...

WATCH: A woman goes into labour after a girls night out
YouTube Screenshot/@SWNS

We have heard of many stories where mothers-to-be did not know that they were pregnant until going into labour, but as mothers, we sometimes find it a bit hard to believe. But it's Women Crush Wednesday so let's rather celebrate women and embrace their stories.

Lavinia Stanton went out for a night with her girlfriends and her mother and left to go home early as she started experiencing stomach cramps. When the pain started getting worse, she decided to go to the hospital and to her surprise she found out that she was 38 weeks pregnant.

The 23-year-old, who was happily enjoying drinks with her friends a few hours earlier, gave birth to Baby Girl Willow at 08:54am via an emergency C-Section. 

"She said she had periods throughout the hidden pregnancy and had two negative pregnancy tests just weeks before her baby arrived," LAD Bible reports. She had noticed that she picked up some extra weight but just reasoned it out as "lockdown weight gain", which we completely understand. 

WATCH the video below (courtesy of YouTube):

We have to say that it is rare to have experienced something like Lavinia, but not being able to experience the feeling of knowing she was pregnant hasn't stopped her and her partner from fully enjoying their baby girl. 

She never thought that she would become a mother during the pandemic, but we guess that's how life works sometimes, things don't always go as planned but we adapt and move forward the best way we can. 

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Image Courtesy of YouTube

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