WATCH: This little girl's confidence is what we need to start the week

WATCH: This little girl's confidence is what we need to start the week

A Monday Motivation video to start your week off on a great note...

WATCH: This little girl's confidence is what we needed to end of our week...
YouTube Screenshot/@TheEllenShow

Traditionally, we have been told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Of course, because it kicks you into gear and sets the tone for the rest of the day. 

When we came across this video from 2019, we really wanted to bank it and share it at the most ideal time. And today this little girl reminded us of how we should be living our lives. Ultimately, that's what kids do, right? Remind us that life is easy and fun, we've just got to change our mindsets...

ZaZa has made her mark on the world wide web in more than one way. But this interview she did with Twitch on the Ellen Show was certainly the best thing we have seen in a while. 

Sometimes the things we go through in life challenge us so much that our light fizzles out. This little human has such a big personality, or as she calls it, she's "bad and bougee"...

WATCH the video below, courtesy of YouTube:

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Take some time out of your schedule today to remember what it is or was that made you unique. Forget about all the stresses in life and get back some of that "bad and bougee" attitude...

Happy Monday and here's to an amazing week...

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East Coast Radio

Image Courtesy of YouTube

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