The things dads do to stop a tantrum from erupting

The things dads do to stop a tantrum from erupting

A dad gives a stellar fake haircut for his little girl to avoid her becoming more upset.

Father acting like he is cutting his toddler's hair
Father acting like he is cutting his toddler's hair/Twitter Screenshot/@pmcafrica

There's nothing more precious than a father's relationship with his little girl. 

For the most part, the bond is inevitable as soon as those little souls enter this world - they have their dad wrapped around their little fingers. 

So, we know how difficult it might be to handle them when transitioning from infant to toddler, tween and teen, and so on and so on. 

One father quickly calmed what could have been a prolonged tantrum with a simple act. 

When his little girl got upset because she was the only one not receiving a haircut from dad, she obviously became upset. 

There's definitely something there when it comes to females and feeling left out. Which is something that everyone who watched it on Twitter found relatable. 

We're no experts on the topic, but during the toddler phase anything can trigger our little ones into a tantrum. 

WATCH what dad did to calm his little girl down. Courtesy of Twitter

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