PARENTING: Nine-year-old boy travels 1.677 km on a plane without his parents knowing...

PARENTING: Nine-year-old boy travels 1,677km on a plane without his parents knowing...

Imagine waking up to check on your child and he's not there...

PARENTING: Nine-year-old boy travels 1,677km on a plane without his parents knowing...
Unsplash Website

A young boy, Emanuel Marques de Oliveira, was reported missing this past weekend. His mother shared that she checked in on him at 05:30am on Saturday morning, then when she came back after two hours, he was gone...

We cannot even imagine the stress or anxiety that they must've felt not being able to locate him. It turns out that Emanuel boarded a flight from Latam, which left Manaus Airport and was destined for São Paulo International Airport in Guarulhos

The part that really piqued our interest was when it was revealed that he managed to travel without any documents, including an air ticket or luggage. 

"Police say he had a desire to live in the Paulista capital, and searched the internet "how to get on an unseen plane." (Facebook

Talk about being resourceful. We know that exposing our kids to the world wide web can be fairly dangerous, but it comes with a whole new host of information daily, which makes it hazardous for their safety. 

His mother was obviously distraught not knowing where her son was. Authorities are busy investigating how he boarded the plane without a ticket or any adult supervision. 

Local police said: "There is no history of violence in the family and that the intrepid boy had simply decided to travel to Sao Paulo to visit some of his other family members." (

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Apparently Emanuel just wanted to travel to see family and friends that live in Sao Paulo. Side note, sometimes just checking in with the kids is important, but then again kids really do have minds of their own...

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Image Courtesy of Unsplash Website

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