Mother does breathalyser tests on her daughter after every night out

Mother does breathalyser tests on her daughter after every night out

Is this really necessary? Or should we be more autonomous with our kids?

Young woman drinking at a get together
Young woman drinking at a get together/Pexels Website

With the recent tragedy that took place at a tavern in East London, where underaged teenagers lost their lives due to an alleged gas leak, it is no wonder that many parents are keeping an extra watchful eye on their kids.

We cannot blame them for being extra careful, considering the parents of these teenagers didn't expect to never see their children again.

It's no wonder then that this mother is so strict with her daughter after a night out with her friends. 

"Whenever 22-year-old Jin returns home after a night out, she finds her mother waiting at the door — with a breathalyser test." (Business Insider)

In a video on Chinese social media platform, Weibo, the 22-year-old woman shared how her mother routinely gives her breathalyser tests upon her return home after a night out. 

Interestingly enough, the legal age for alcohol consumption in China is 18, so it goes to show the powers of parenting in this family dynamic. 

But Jin's mother has banned her from drinking alcohol until such a time where she ties the knot.

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Jin was recorded saying the following: "I've always passed the breathalyser test because I don't even dare to drink," she told the outlet, adding that she must also conform to her mother's strict 22:00 curfew." (Business Insider)

It is unclear as to mom's reasons for being so diligent with her routine breathalyser tests, but many people came down hard on her after seeing the video on Weibo. 

However, there were others who understood her actions, as "There have been so many terrible cases of women being abused because of drunk men recently. The mother is just trying to protect her child," said one user. (Business Insider)

Click here to watch the video. 

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