INSPIRING: 101-year-old graduates with his high school diploma...

INSPIRING: 101-year-old graduates with his high school diploma...

Life is definitely for the living, no matter what age you are...

A 101-year-old graduates from high school
Merrill Pittman Cooper poses with his graduation gown/Instagram Screenshot/@Goodnews_Movement

Time is something that waits for no man, but you can either use it to your benefit or sit and complain about your circumstance. Merrill Pittman Cooper certainly didn't do the latter - he used it to his benefit and we can firmly say, it's inspiring...

After his mother had fallen on tough times he had to leave in his senior year of school. But this didn't stop him from holding onto the hope of one day completing his high school career. 

He told Washington Post: "She worked so hard, and it all became so difficult that I just decided it would be best to give up continuing at the school." 

Cooper then set off into the transportation industry and eventually became a union vice president. But, like many people, he became consumed in his work life and his dream of completing his high school career was put on hold. 

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His stepdaughter told the Washington Post that her stepfather always had the mind of an academic, he just didn't have the papers to go along with it. That in itself shows the natural undertaking of knowledge that he possesses. 

"A few years ago, Cooper’s relatives reached out to Jefferson County Schools, and earlier this month, he finally received an honorary diploma with his family around him." (BET)

Earlier this month, his family took him to a hotel on false pretences. He was under the impression that someone wanted to interview him on his experiences in life, considering his ripe age. 

He was then surprised to find that his step-children had coordinated a virtual graduation for him. "He was presented his diploma by Jefferson County Schools superintendent Bondy Shay Gibson-Learn." (BET)

Definitely a happy ending to the hardships he has had to face...

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