Durban residents knit to help communities during Winter

Durban residents knit to help communities during Winter

Church members from St. Martin's in Durban North have come together to knit for those who experience harsh Winters in the Drakensberg.

White and brown yarns of wool in basket with knitting needles
White and brown yarns of wool in basket with knitting needles/Pexels

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It can be said that you never really appreciate what you have until you see how some people live without basic necessities. 

Which we often take for granted. One such thing is the warmth that we take for granted. Simple items such as beanies, blankets, and a jersey. 

This is why we were so pleased to hear about Durban North church members who spearheaded a Knit-A-Thon and Winter Warmth project this past weekend. 

A group of residents have come together to knit and crochet items for the community in Bulwer, Drakensberg. 

According to North Glen News, one of the organisers, Sharon Liebetrau, shared that the aim of the fundraising event was to 'crochet and knit as many items, including beanies, jerseys and blankets, for the community who often face the harsh winters with very little'. 

Volunteers came in their droves and really smashed the targets that were set, which is nothing new of what we know of Durban. 

We know that coming together to help others in their time of need isn't always easy, because it means taking time out of your very busy schedules. 

But Durbanites have proven that their hearts are open, and giving is part of their DNA yet again. 

'Volunteer Brenda Grant, who participated in the knit-a-thon, said it was a great way to give back. “I get to spend quality time with my mom, give back and help those in need. It was incredible seeing so many people unite for such a worthy cause,” she said.' (North Glen News)

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